Firmware for Malahit SDR (model 1) ---------------------------------- Bin files with the "_p" suffix contain my patches (example FW_1_10c_p) Other bin files are only patched to work with any CPU ID (example FW_1_10c) To program your Malahit radio: ------------------------------ - gunzip the binary file - put the radio in DFU mode (either by button sequence if you have firmware already running on it, or by temporarily bridging jumper JP1) - then use the following command: dfu-util -R -a 0 -s 0x8000000 -D FW_xxxxx.bin If you need .hex or .dfu files instead use the utilities from the parent directory: ../stm2ihex.exe (converts bin to ihex) ../hex2dfu.exe (converts ihex to DFU)